Halloween in Chilamate
This year the SCLC celebrated Halloween in Chilamate in true fashion with a local "fun-d-raiser"!
On Saturday the 27th of October, children from different parts of town joined us in a small Halloween Fair with games such as face painting, mask creating and competion, bobbing for apples, musical chairs, and a haunted house. The SCLC high school Scholarship students planned and prepared the Haunted house for the younger kids featuring spider webs, screams, mummies, and scary eyeballs to touch!!
That night the SCLC held a Halloween costume party at the Bar El Nido, a fun bar with great food and good atmosphere located in Chilamate, Sarapiqui on the main road between Puerto Viejo and La Virgen. The discomovil played all night and the SCLC staff and friends danced in costume and gave out prizes to the best costumes and limbo champions!
Halloween is not part of true costa rican culture, but we decided to use the Halloween excitement from other parts of the world to hold a fun activity for kids and adults from our local Chilamate.
This activity was organized by the SCLC volunteers, Grant Saepharn, Brynna Larsen, Viktoria Endredi, and Elizabeth Chivers! They did a great job! Also, we want to thank Christa Dillabaugh, Pam Donovan, and David & Diane Ely for the help with decorations, and the owners of Bar El Nido for providing us with the place and awesome Halloween Spirit!