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The SCLC believes that successful conservation must benefit local people. Following a global trend that is a reaction to simply fencing local people out of national parks and private reserves, this new conservation approach seeks to include local people as allies and partners in sustainable development and habitat protection. The SCLC is working with the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor to plan for and promote environmental education about the Chilamate section of this effort. The SCLC plays a coordinating role in promoting environmental education and outreach related to the Chilamate corridor. This new biological corridor will seek to link currently protected forested areas through positive incentives for rainforest protection, reforestation, and alternative land uses such as sustainable agriculture and ecotourism.
San Juan- La Selva Biological Corridor
The San Juan-La Selva Biological Corridor, located in the northern zone of Costa Rica was implemented in 2001 with the purpose of...
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The Learning Center is part of the Environmental Education Commission of Sarapiquí (CEAS), a local alliance of organizations whose mission is to...